
The house is constructed atop the foundation of an old property of a peculiar shape enclosed by the surrounding buildings. The ...

The House on the Hill has been designed as a weekend home for a family of six. It had a modest material template. Particular ...

The design of Tiny House is designed by 90° Design resolves major handicaps posed by the shape and location of the house.

The world is expecting a major economic crisis- the worst ever since the Great Depression – to follow the global health crisis. Architects ...

The world we live in is facing unforeseen circumstances that no one was prepared for. It is, inevitably, going to …

The buzz of the town, the noise of the honks, That mooing of the cows and the hawkers’ call, The …

Context, as they say, is the set of circumstances that forms the setting for an event, statement or idea and …

Ted Talks can be a great way to learn about new ideas and interesting things happening in the field of architecture. Here's a list of top 5 of them.

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