Architecture Thesis of the Year
ATY 2022
Registrations are now closed. Stay tuned for results!
The most amazing Architecture Thesis of 2022!

Academic Design endeavours allow the free flow of unfettered ideas – experimental, bold, promising, and unconventional. An intensive architectural discourse and a collaborative design process are essential to developing ingenious solutions to complex problems of the future.
An Architecture Thesis is considered the avant-garde – pushing the boundaries of what is accepted as the norm in the architectural realm. It is the outcome of months of painstaking research and an excruciating design process yet it hardly gets any recognition beyond the design studio. It is imperative to share such revolutionary ideas with the entire fraternity to open up new possibilities for dialogue.
‘Architecture Thesis of the Year 2022’ is an international architecture thesis competition that aims to extend appreciation to the tireless effort and exceptional creativity of student thesis in the field of Architecture. We seek to encourage young talent in bringing their path-breaking ideas to the forefront on a global scale.
A total of 5 sheets of size 30 cm x 30 cm are to be submitted as a combined PDF document, which shall not exceed 5 MB.
- Sheets 1 to 4: Graphic Representation
These may include, but are not limited to 3-D views, sketches, sections, isometric views, plans, elevations or any other means of graphical representation. You may include text labels, architectural markings & symbols and short descriptive text but avoid long blocks of paragraphs.
- Sheet 5: Text Summary
Write a text summary about your design in under 250 words. The project title must be included as the heading of this sheet (not included in 250 words). There should be no images on this sheet; only text. Your Registration ID should be written in the top right corner of this sheet. Any other information which discloses your identity shall lead to disqualification. All text must be in English.
Sheet 1
30cm x 30cm
Sheet 2
30cm x 30cm
Sheet 3
30 cm x 30 cm
Sheet 4
30 cm x 30 cm
Sheet 5
30 cm x 30 cm
How to Submit
Participants are required to submit one PDF file for the Architecture Thesis of the Year | ATY 2022 competition. Email your submissions to: [email protected]
- File Naming: ‘ATY22–Registration ID.pdf’ (ex. if your Registration ID is 12345, the file name should be ATY22–12345.pdf). You will receive your Registration ID after completing the registration.
- Size Limit: 5 MB
Exposure and recognition is the key to success for any designer. The Architecture Thesis of the Year | ATY 2022 design competition provides architecture students, the opportunity to showcase their work on a global stage. The best entries shall be featured on theCharette.org, and on our social media platforms. The results will also be published by various websites and online magazines associated with us.
Custom Designed Trophies will be awarded & shipped to the Top 3 Winners.
Sharable and verifiable certificates of achievement will be awarded to the Winners, Honorable Mentions & Top 30.

Exclusive Interview
The Top 3 Winners will get an exclusive interview in both – written and video formats. Photos, interviews, and more information about the winners will be published on our website.
The winning entries shall be published on Charette’s website & social media platforms and other international architecture websites partnered with us.


- “ATY 2022” is open to architecture students of all nationalities and institutions.
- Undergraduate/Bachelors and Graduate/Masters Thesis conducted in the years 2017 to 2022 are eligible to participate.
- Group, as well as individual entries, are allowed.
- Submissions should be emailed as a file attachment and not as a link.
- The submission shouldn’t contain any information which discloses your identity, except the Registration ID.
- Participants who plagiarize or submit work that is not entirely their own will be disqualified at any point during the competition.
- All text must be in English.
Key Dates
Closing date for registration
15 Oct 2022
Closing date for submission
16 Oct 2022
Announcement of the winners
15 Nov 2022
All deadlines are 11:59 PM UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
$35 Early Entry
16 July – 15 Aug 2022
$45 Standard Entry
16 Aug – 15 Sep 2022
$55 Last-min Entry
16 Sep – 15 Oct 2022
After completing the checkout, you will automatically receive a confirmation e-mail. In the e-mail, you will also find your Registration ID. Please note, your Registration ID is your order number. If you can’t find the e-mail in your inbox, please check your spam folder. Even after the registration, you are welcome to add, remove, or swap team members as long as their total number does not exceed four. For any queries, feel free to contact us at [email protected].
Payments are handled by PayPal and Stripe’s Secure Payment Gateways. You can pay through a Credit Card / Debit Card or your PayPal balance. We accept all major currencies.
All deadlines are 11:59 PM UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
Your Registration ID is the order number that appears after completing the registration process. It can also be found in the confirmation e-mail that you’ll receive upon successful registration. The confirmation is only sent to the email provided during the checkout.
Submissions will be judged digitally on a computer screen. The jury is going to consider the following criteria – innovation, practicality, aesthetics, impact and presentation.
Due to the high volume of entries, theCharette cannot offer individual comments to its entrants.
Yes, to update your entry, you can re-submit before the deadline.
ATY 2021 is open to architecture students of all nationalities and institutions. All Undergraduate/Bachelors and Graduate/Masters Thesis conducted in the calendar year 2016 – 2021 are eligible to participate.
No refunds shall be issued once the registration is completed.
No. It will not be possible to amend or update any information relating to your registration including the names of team members once validated.
You’ll receive a confirmation email acknowledging receipt of your entry. If you do not receive an email confirmation within 24hrs, please email [email protected].
Don't see the answer to your question?
E-mail us at [email protected].